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Hearing Healthcare Articles

Fireworks and Hearing Loss: Is There A Connection?

If you are planning to celebrate this 4th of July by watching a firework show or by using your own fireworks, be aware of your

Hear More with Hearing Aid Accessories

If you wear hearing aids, then you know how important they are for your everyday life. Hearing aids help you to hear better even in

Hearing and Balance

The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Balance Hearing loss doesn’t only affect your ability to hear and comprehend speech. It can also be connected to

Healthy Ears

Tips for Healthy Ears You want to be able to hear your best for many years, that’s why it’s important to take care of your


1173 S Washburn Street

Suite G

Oshkosh, WI 54904

(920) 333-1080

Monday-Friday: 9AM-5PM

© Active Ear Hearing Aid Center